"Flowers don’t worry about how they’re going to bloom. They just open up and turn toward the light and that makes them beautiful." - Jim Carrey
"Flowers don't worry about how they are going to bloom..." what a concept! Just open up and turn toward the light. What if we all worried less about what we are supposed to do or be?
It is officially spring! The spring equinox was this weekend, and the time between sunrise and sunset is getting longer. While there is not much of a traditional season change on St. Croix, we do have our own unique "seasons". Living close to nature is one of the things that I love about island life.
I often consider nature's wisdom when I plan my life and business, so it actually feels quite fitting that the opening week in my new location has coincided with this change of seasons! Spring is a time for things to to show up new and fresh, to bloom and turn towards the light. What a perfect time for a transition.
I hope this week finds you turning towards the light and unabashedly blooming!
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