"Look up at the stars and not down at your feet. Try to make sense of what you see, and wonder about what makes the universe exist. Be curious." ― Stephen Hawking
Curiosity is the spark that keeps life fascinating. There is something magical about allowing the mind to wander, to entertain questions without immediately seeking answers; children have an inspiring way of seeing life and the world. Wonder has a way of opening new doors, revealing perspectives we may not have considered.
It's easy to get caught up in our daily lives filled with routines, habits, and assumptions that make the world feel familiar. But what happens when we pause and truly look? The universe is vast, and even the smallest details of our experiences hold untold stories. The things we think we understand might reveal something new if observed from a different angle.
Mystery is not something to solve but something to embrace. The questions themselves hold power. What else might be true? What might be hiding in plain sight? What new insight is waiting just beyond the edge of certainty?
Wishing you a week filled with wonder, inspiration, and the quiet joy of an open mind.
Happy Monday!
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